Stupid Bug

Me: I entered the password, but the site says the password is incorrect.

<Several days of email correspondence ensues, resulting in Tech Support realizing that the password I was entering was being completely ignored by their software.>

Tech Support: The FTP information inside the Config.php file was incorrect.

define(‘APP_FTP_PASS’, ‘IrahsxESETzVq01OwNPa’); // Your FTP Password
After correcting it the password got updated in the Software Panel.

Me: Thank you. Is there a bug that was keeping the site from using the correct password which I entered via the admin panel?

Tech Support: Glad to hear that the issue was resolved.

It was not a bug. Initially we had been using the FTP credentials from Config.php and since most them did not have it available in the config file then we request to enter it in the UI.
Soon we should have this modified to receive the credentials only through the UI.

Me: Thanks! I’m glad to hear that you’ll soon be modifying this to fix the thing that is not a bug!