Stupid Email

[1:51 PM] Not Stupid
CHNG123456 – looking for an email
Hi team,

Regarding recently closed case CHNG123456, I am expecting an email sent earlier today from [email protected]. I have not seen a ticket yet and I am wondering if there is a way to look for it either in SNow or further up the chain in case it was caught in an email filter somewhere.



[1:54 PM] Joe Shmoe
Hi Not. I only see 2 emails that have come in from that Alert User email [email protected] in our system. They both have the subject “Welcome to EXAMPLE”. These don’t seem like alert/incident related emails.

[1:55 PM] Joe Shmoe
Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 1.54.56 PM.png

Either they are not coming in using the [email protected] or we are not recieving them on the SN side.

[1:55 PM] Not Stupid
That’s what I am looking for. I need to follow the instructions in those welcome emails to complete onboarding.

[1:57 PM] Joe Shmoe
Ok, I think we have specs mixed up here. Our email alerting rules create INC’s to handle alerting issues with external systems. You are looking to use them for reminders to complete Onboarding steps?

[1:59 PM] Not Stupid
I just need this one email to do the onboarding. Everything else should make incidents.

[2:00 PM] Joe Shmoe
Ok, but we have to setup separate rules based on the Subject, Alert User, Email body specific items that come in. There is no such “Catch all” that just creates whatever you need based on the type of email.
We already setup a rule for this alert user ([email protected]) to catch incident alerting issues.

[2:01 PM] Not Stupid
Is it possible to get the contents of those emails you saw? This is a one-time thing. Everything else will be incidents.

[2:01 PM] Joe Shmoe
What do you want it to do with these emails? This process we have is specific to alerting and creating incidents. If you just need visibility of these emails, that is a different ask completely.

[2:03 PM] Not Stupid
I likely need to click a link that was in those emails to set up the account associated with the [email protected] address. But until I see the email, I don’t know exactly what I need to do.

[2:05 PM] Joe Shmoe
I don’t know how COMPANY is setup, but isn’t a way for them to add you as a CC to the process on their side so you get the emails in your inbox. Doesn’t seem like our SN needs to be used for this at all, unless I’m looking at this incorrectly.

[2:05 PM] Not Stupid
No, not for an initial onboarding email.

[2:06 PM] Not Stupid
In order for them to send emails/alerts to [email protected], that address needs to be onboarded into their system. They do this by sending it an email to confirm. This is usually done by clicking a link in the email, whereupon the user is prompted to create a password. That is what I am trying to do. This is a one-time thing.

[2:16 PM] Joe Shmoe
There are options to leverage this I guess, but I will need to talk this over with the Team on Monday. I can’t make configuration/process decisions as the admin.

[2:19 PM] Not Stupid
Is there anyone who can retrieve those emails you said you saw in this one instance?

[2:19 PM] Joe Shmoe
Yes, what do you need from them? I can get the information out of them.

[2:19 PM] Not Stupid
As I said above, whatever the email tells me to do, I need to do it. So if there’s a link or other instructions, I need to know what they are so I can do them.

Stupid PCI Audit

Somewhere in cyberspace, on a Wednesday afternoon:

Client: We have a PCI audit and need a clean vulnerability scan of our PCI Internal environment.
Me: When?
Client: Monday
Me: …

Stupid Vulnerability Scanner

Me: Client’s DevOps Team – can we do something about these recurring Medium and High vulnerabilities from the daily vulnerability scans?

Client’s DevOps Team: We have stopped scanning the target systems.

Stupid Invite

Manager: It’s a tight window blah blah blah we need to make sure this happens within the window.
Me: Since you are supposed to have the hardware by noon, how about we schedule a call for 1PM?
Manager: Yeah that makes sense. Who should I invite?
Me: Please invite Invitee.
Manager: Sent.
Invitee: I haven’t got it
Manager: Oh I invited everyone except you, Invitee.

Stupid eBook

You have been transferred to the Customer Support Team. My name is CSR. Please allow me a few moments to review your information before we get started.
10:25:17 AM
Hello Me, my name is CSR. You have reached the Connect Student Chat Support line. Your case number for this interaction is 18874666. How may I help you today?
10:25:37 AM
Hi! I’m trying to access the full text of the book on my account. When I click into the link given by my instructor from our Canvas system, I get a screen that only tells me no assignments are due, but I see no option to view the actual text of the book.
10:26:19 AM
I can definitely assist you in regards with your concern. But before that, may I please have your best call back number in case we got disconnected and your school’s name?
10:26:23 AM
Some College
10:26:43 AM
10:26:49 AM
Awesome! May I also have the name of the course and section of the class please?
10:27:15 AM
Course Number – Course Name – Fall 2020 (2020F7B)
10:27:35 AM
Perfect! And the instructor for that class?
10:28:03 AM
Instructor Name
10:28:58 AM
Awesome! Hang on for a minute, just gonna take a look on that.
10:29:20 AM
Do you happen to have the email address of your instructor?
10:30:18 AM
I do not
10:30:49 AM
I see. Just to verify did you already registered to the class?
10:31:49 AM
Yes. I am logged in to the course via Canvas now. I am able to access the narrated lectures via the Connect link I was given, but not the full text.
10:32:12 AM
So, to confirm, you can now access the eBook?
10:32:27 AM
10:33:37 AM
that is why I am chatting with you.

Stupid IMAP Mailbox

Me: Hi 1, 2, and 3.

I’d like to convert On-Call from going to That Ticketing System to an IMAP account so that we can use This Ticketing System. I know one of you can make this happen for us.



1: Wait, why do you want to make this change? What’s wrong with That Ticketing System?

Me: That Ticketing System does not meet our needs. This Ticketing System does.

2: It seems like we missed an opportunity to have a discussion around enterprise standard applications.


Me: I’m happy to have a discussion and answer any questions. What questions do you have?

1: I’ve disconnected On-Call from That Ticketing System. It will no longer generate tickets.

Me: That’s great. Can 2 or 3 please give us IMAP access to the account now? Again, happy to discuss questions, but last I checked, we have no “enterprise standard” preventing us from using This Ticketing System.

<a day passes>

Me: 2, 3, So, we still have no access to On-Call. I know people are emailing it and we cannot respond.

<a day passes>

Me: Hi 2, 3, 2’s Manager, 3’s Manager, Me’s Manager,

We still have no access to On-Call. See this long email thread below.

2’s Manager: Is there a ticket for this?

3: I’ll make a ticket!

Me: Here’s all the details of the request, 2’s Manager.

<a day passes>

Me: All, we still have no access as of this morning.

3: I enabled access last week, and told 2’s Manager!

Me: … Great, we can access it in Email Client, but we still have no IMAP access to the mailbox so cannot use This Ticketing System…

Stupid VPN

H, Yesterday 3:53 PM
Hey Me. Do I need to be connected to VPN to access Share files?

Me, Yesterday 3:53 PM

H, Yesterday 3:54 PM
because it is not showing me the files

Me, Yesterday 3:54 PM
You do have to be connected to the VPN to access the S drive AKA shared files.

H, Yesterday 3:54 PM
It’s not letting me see them.
should I try connecting to VPN? or would you like to see the error?
saying network error

Me, Yesterday 3:57 PM
Hi H, you DO need to be connected to the VPN in order to access the S drive AKA shared files.
So you’ll need to connect to the VPN.
Then you should be able to see the files on the S drive.

H, Yesterday 3:58 PM
I’m confused. You just mentioned that I didn’t didn’t to be connected.
Okay, I will connect to VPN

Me, Yesterday 3:59 PM
You DO need to be connected to the VPN in order to see the S drive.

H, Yesterday 3:59 PM

Stupid Marketing Department

Client: So, I have a request from the Marketing department. A Macbook pro. How would one of those thrive in a Windows world (I have at least one Windows application that would be needed). And can you sell?

Me: I cannot. However, it will be a PITA unless you just “set it and forget it,” which is never the right answer. WHY do they think they need a Mac? If they say “it’s better for graphics” that’s BS – it’s not 1999 anymore.

Client: Because they are in the Marketing/graphics department.

Me: What specific applications do they need? Adobe CS?
“We like Macs.” That’s their justification.
Just imagine – any tools you have to manage your Windows devices – you now need another one of every single tool.
for one computer.

Client: On the mac? It´s call brightauthor…….used to publish to digital signs we have all over the place

Me: Oh BrightSign?

Client: Yes

Me: Uhhh… they make Windows software…
I wasn’t even aware that they made a Mac version…

Client: They don´t make a mac version….hence that is the one application that might stop mac from makking

Me: So Marketing wants a Mac for something that you can’t run on a Mac? Am I missing something?

Client: Nope. You got it

Me: You are welcome.