Every now and then, some idiot types my email address in as their own. This has happened to people applying for jobs, ordering stuff, telephone service, and, most recently, when an idiot signed up for some gaming service using my Gmail address. Our two email addresses are nothing alike. Our names are similar, but not that similar. There’s no reason for this mishap, other than stupidity.
So today, I got a chat request from this idiot, which, since I don’t know him, I simply ignored. Shortly after, I received this email:
Subject: hello man plsss i need ur help pls just say me that ur reading my mails and ill write all that u need to know that im not scamer or some idiot…i just need help from u coz i have register my game account on ur mail adress by mistake :S and sry bout that ….pls replay me anything
Uhm… yeah… you are some idiot.